Moving Moments

Your feedback is hugely important to us, and we love to celebrate your pooch’s experience with YuMOVE. With that in mind, we wanted to get out there, come to you and your pet, and really get to know how YuMOVE is helping you be active together. Thank you to all of you who responded to our call for your stories and an extra special thank you to Charlotte, Zoe, Lisa, Alice, Janet and Nigel whose tails are below.

If you want to tell your dog’s YuMOVE story (we would love to hear each and every one of them). Come and get social with us, share your story on our Facebook page using the hashtag #MyYuMOVEStory.

Toby's Story



Your feedback is hugely important to us, and we love to celebrate your pooch’s experience with YuMOVE. With that in mind, we wanted to get out there, come to you and your pet, and really get to know how YuMOVE is helping you be active together. Thank you to all of you who responded to our call for your stories and an extra special thank you to Charlotte, Zoe, Lisa, Alice, Janet and Nigel whose tails are below.

If you want to tell your dog’s YuMOVE story (we would love to hear each and every one of them). Come and get social with us, share your story on our Facebook page using the hashtag #MyYuMOVEStory.



Toby's Story

Your feedback is hugely important to us, and we love to celebrate your pooch’s experience with YuMOVE. With that in mind, we wanted to get out there, come to you and your pet, and really get to know how YuMOVE is helping you be active together. Thank you to all of you who responded to our call for your stories and an extra special thank you to Charlotte, Zoe, Lisa, Alice, Janet and Nigel whose tails are below.

If you want to tell your dog’s YuMOVE story (we would love to hear each and every one of them). Come and get social with us, share your story on our Facebook page using the hashtag #MyYuMOVEStory.

Toby’s Story

Toby, a gentle 6-year-old soul with a huge passion for his walks and his owners Janet and her husband Nigel, began showing signs of joint stiffness around a year ago. Initially Janet thought his tripping and slowing down was due to an issue with his paw but after a trip to vets, was recommended YuMOVE.

Toby started YuMOVE and within 5 – 6 weeks was soon back to his old self, being able to fully embrace his love for walks.

Helpful hints and tips you should include in your moving moments

Try our new dog walking calculator to help your four pawed friend make more moving momoents, and keep YuMOVING too!

Dog walking calculator

Scrumpy’s Story

Scrumpy (no his favourite thirst quencher isn’t cider) is a 10-year-old Jack Russell Terrier cross-breed, who in the last two months, has been slowing down on walks. Zoe rescued him 9 years ago and noticed his recent slowdown when he seemed to be behind her, rather than 15 feet in front of her on their walks.

We’d like to put into words how much Scrumpy means to Zoe but even Zoe said would this be a struggle! Take a look at their fantastic story.

Find put how many miles you should include in your moving moments, and other tips

Find put how many miles you should include in your moving moments, and other tips
